This file must be valid JSON. But comments are allowed
"menu_explorer": "Explorer",
"currently": "current setting",
"datatables_langobj": { "decimal": ".",
"emptyTable": "No data available in table",
"info": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
"infoEmpty": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
"infoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
"infoPostFix": "",
"thousands": ",",
"lengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ entries",
"loadingRecords": "Loading...",
"processing": "Processing...",
"search": "Search:",
"zeroRecords": "No matching records found",
"paginate": { "first": "First", "next": "Next", "last": "Last", "previous": "Previous"},
"aria": { "sortAscending": ": activate to sort column ascending",
"sortDescending": ": activate to sort column descending"}
"menu_api": "API",
"menu_markets": "Markets",
"menu_metrics": "Metrics",
"menu_reward": "Reward",
"menu_movement": "Movement",
"menu_node": "Nodes",
"menu_network": "Network",
// explorer view
"ex_title": "Block Explorer",
"ex_search_title": "Search",
"ex_search_button": "Search",
"ex_search_message": "You may enter a block height, #height, block hash, tx hash, address, or yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm",
"ex_search_pseudo": "Pseudo-addresses:",
"ex_error": "Error!",
"ex_search_error": "Search found no results for: ",
"ex_recent_transactions": "Recent Transactions",
"ex_recentsent_transactions": "Recent Sent Transactions",
"ex_recentpow_transactions": "Recent PoW Transactions",
"ex_recentpos_transactions": "Recent PoS Transactions",
"ex_recentstealth_transactions": "Recent Stealth/Anon Transactions",
"ex_recentnotable_transactions": "Notable Transactions",
"ex_recentnonstd_transactions": "NonStandard Transactions",
"ex_summary": "Block Summary",
"ex_supply": "Supply",
"ex_block": "Block",
// transaction view
"tx_title": "Transaction Details",
"tx_block_hash": "Block Hash",
"tx_recipients": "Recipients",
"tx_contributors": "Inputs",
"tx_hash": "Transaction ID",
"tx_burnhash": "Burn Transaction ID",
"tx_address": "Address",
"tx_key": "Key",
"tx_nonstandard": "NONSTANDARD TX",
// block view
"block_previous": "Previous",
"block_next": "Next",
"block_title": "Block Details",
"block_genesis": "GENESIS",
// movement view
"movement_txid": "TXid",
"movement_amount": "Amount",
"movement_timestamp": "Created on",
// selected by date view and other date/time stuff
"dv_date_selected": "Selected by date/time",
"dv_date_range": "(± 10 minutes)",
"dv_wkday_sunday": "Sun", "dv_wkday_monday": "Mon", "dv_wkday_tuesday": "Tue",
"dv_wkday_wednesday": "Wed", "dv_wkday_thursday": "Thu", "dv_wkday_friday": "Fri",
"dv_wkday_saturday": "Sat",
"dv_mname_january": "Jan", "dv_mname_february": "Feb", "dv_mname_march": "Mar",
"dv_mname_april": "Apr", "dv_mname_may": "May", "dv_mname_june": "Jun",
"dv_mname_july": "Jul", "dv_mname_august": "Aug", "dv_mname_september": "Sep",
"dv_mname_october": "Oct", "dv_mname_november": "Nov", "dv_mname_december": "Dec",
// global
"reportissues": "Click here to report site issues or suggestions",
"programversion": "Iquidium 0.6.5",
"donationsto": "donations:",
"difficulty": "Difficulty",
"network": "Network",
"height": "Height",
"timestamp": "Created on",
"burnstamp": "Burned on",
"size": "Size",
"transactions": "Transactions",
"total_sent": "Sent",
"total_received": "Received",
"confirmations": "Confirmations",
"total": " Total",
// dnp: added remainder
"txs": "TXs",
"nonce": "Nonce",
"new_coins": "New Coins - Proof of Work",
"proof_of_stake": "New Coins - Proof of Stake",
"proof_of_transaction": "New Coins - Proof of Transaction",
"quorum_message": "Quorum Message",
"initial_index_alert": "Indexing is currently incomplete, functionality is limited until index is up-to-date.",
//address menu
"a_menu_showing": "Showing last",
"a_menu_txs": "transactions",
"a_menu_all": "All",
// Richlist view
"rl_received_coins": "Richlist - Received Coins",
"rl_received_txns": "Richlist - Received Transactions",
"rl_sent_coins": "Richlist - Sent Coins",
"rl_sent_txns": "Richlist - Sent Transactions",
"rl_current_balance": "Richlist - Current Balance",
"rl_poorlist_balance": "Poorlist - Current Balance",
"rl_pow": "Richlist - Proof of Work Earned",
"rl_pos": "Richlist - Proof of Stake Generated",
"rl_folios": "Richlist - Folios",
"rl_tab_received": "Received
"rl_tab_rtxns": "Received
"rl_tab_sent": "Sent
"rl_tab_stxns": "Sent
"rl_tab_balance": "Balance",
"rl_tab_poorlist": "Poorlist",
"rl_tab_folios": "Folios",
"rl_tab_charts": "Charts",
"rl_col_received": "Received",
"rl_col_sent": "Sent",
"rl_col_address": "Address",
"rl_col_balance": "Balance",
"rl_col_amount": "Amount",
"rl_col_txns": "TXs",
"rl_col_folio": "Folio",
"rl_wealth": "Wealth Distribution",
"rl_top25": "Top 1-25",
"rl_top50": "Top 26-50",
"rl_top75": "Top 51-75",
"rl_top100": "Top 76-100",
"rl_top250": "Top 101-250",
"rl_burned": "Burned",
"rl_remainder": "Remainder",
"shortform_pow": "PoW",
"shortform_pos": "PoS",
"index_tab_recent": "Recent",
"index_tab_sent": "Sent",
"index_tab_pow": "PoW",
"index_tab_stealth": "Stealth",
"index_tab_nonstd": "NonStandard",
"index_tab_txwit": "TxWitness",
"index_tab_pos": "PoS",
"index_tab_movement": "Movement",
"index_tab_notable": "Notable",
"notable_parameter_title": "Parameters used",
"notable_parameter_showzero": "Show zero output txns",
"notable_parameter_feegreater": "TXFee",
"notable_parameter_inputsgreater": "Inputs",
"notable_parameter_outputsgreater": "Outputs",
"net_connections": "Connections",
"net_viewaddnodes": "Click here for addnode= format",
"net_viewaddpeers": "Click here for add-peer= format",
"net_addnodes": "Possible addnodes - not every one will accept incoming connections",
"net_address": "Address",
"net_protocol": "Protocol",
"net_subversion": "Sub-version",
"net_country": "Location",
"net_datetime": "Last Seen",
"net_warning": "This is a sample network of peers based on wallets that have connected to the explorer node recently.",
"layout_blocks": "blocks",
"notxsdone": "No transactions indexed yet for this block",
"layout_connections": "connections",
// api view
"api_title": "API Documentation",
"api_message": "The block explorer provides an API allowing users and/or applications to retrieve information from the network without the need for a local wallet.",
"api_calls": "API Calls",
"api_getnetworkhashps": "Returns the current network hashrate. (hash/s)",
"api_getdifficulty": "Returns the current difficulty.",
"api_getconnectioncount": "Returns the number of connections the block explorer has to other nodes.",
"api_getblockcount": "Returns the current block index.",
"api_getblockhash": "Returns the hash of the block at ; index 0 is the genesis block.",
"api_getblock": "Returns information about the block with the given hash.",
"api_gettransaction": "Returns transaction representation for given transaction id. decode can be set to 0(false) or 1(true).",
"api_getmaxmoney": "Returns the maximum possible money supply.",
"api_getmaxvote": "Returns the maximum allowed vote for the current phase of voting.",
"api_getvote": "Returns the current block reward vote setting.",
"api_getphase": "Returns the current voting phase ('Mint', 'Limit' or 'Sustain').",
"api_getreward": "Returns the current block reward, which has been decided democratically in the previous round of block reward voting.",
"api_getsupply": "Returns the current money supply.",
"api_getnextrewardestimate": "Returns an estimate for the next block reward based on the current state of decentralized voting.",
"api_getnextrewardwhenstr": "Returns string describing how long until the votes are tallied and the next block reward is computed.",
// wallet view
"wallet_title": "Wallet Node Version",
"wallet_message": "The wallet/node used by this explorer reports the following version information.",
"wallet_access_rpc": "The _TICKER_ wallet is accessed via fast direct RPC calls.",
"wallet_access_api": "The _TICKER_ wallet is accessed via slow old-style explorer API calls.",
// Markets view
"mkt_hours": "24 hours",
"mkt_view_chart": "View 24 hour summary",
"mkt_view_summary": "View 24 hour chart",
"mkt_no_chart": "Chart data is not available via markets API.",
"mkt_high": "High",
"mkt_low": "Low",
"mkt_volume": "Volume",
"mkt_top_bid": "Top Bid",
"mkt_top_ask": "Top Ask",
"mkt_last": "Last Price",
"mkt_yesterday": "Yesterday",
"mkt_change": "Change",
"mkt_sell_orders": "Sell Orders",
"mkt_buy_orders": "Buy Orders",
"mkt_price": "Price",
"mkt_amount": "Amount",
"mkt_total": "Total",
"mkt_trade_history": "Trade History",
"mkt_type": "Type",
"mkt_time_stamp": "Time Stamp",
// Markets
"market_menu_header": "Select Market",
"altexchanger": "Altexchanger",
"altmarkets": "Altmarkets",
"bittrex": "Bittrex",
"bleutrade": "Bleutrade",
"cryptsy": "Cryptsy",
"cryptopia": "Cryptopia",
"ccex": "C-Cex",
"crex24": "Crex24",
"empoex": "Empoex",
"livecoin": "Livecoin",
"poloniex": "Poloniex",
"shoreline": "ShorelineCrypto",
"southxchange": "SouthXchange",
"tradesatoshi": "TradeSatoshi",
"unnamed": "UnnamedExchange",
"xbts": "XBTS",
"yobit": "Yobit",
"stex": "Stex",
"cpatex": "C-Patex",
"frei": "Freiexchange",
"coinex": "Coinex",
"graviex": "Graviex",
"txbit": "Txbit",
"tradeogre": "TradeOgre",
"gateio": "Gate.io",
"exbitron": "Exbitron",
"kraken": "Kraken",
// Heavy rewards view
"heavy_title": "Reward/voting information",
"heavy_vote": "Vote",
"heavy_cap": "Coin Cap",
"heavy_phase": "Phase",
"heavy_maxvote": "Max Vote",
"heavy_reward": "Reward",
"heavy_current": "Current Reward",
"heavy_estnext": "Est. Next",
"heavy_changein": "Reward change in approximately",
"heavy_key": "Key",
"heavy_lastxvotes": "Last 20 votes",
// tooltips (mouseover popups) -- no html escapes in tooltips
"tooltip_home": "Official Website",
"tooltip_other": "Other Block Explorer",
"tooltip_twitter": "X (Twitter)",
"tooltip_facebook": "Facebook",
"tooltip_bitcointalk": "Bitcointalk Forum",
"tooltip_reddit": "Reddit",
"tooltip_viewaddress": "view address history",
"tooltip_viewtx": "view transaction summary",
"tooltip_viewblock": "view block summary",
"tooltip_txtback": "traceback transaction inputs",
"tooltip_rawtx": "view raw transaction info",
"tooltip_rawblock": "view raw block info",
"tooltip_tc_standard": "Standard",
"tooltip_tc_nonstandard": "Non-Standard",
"tooltip_tc_pow": "Proof-of-Work",
"tooltip_tc_nonstdpow": "Non-Standard Proof-of-Work",
"tooltip_tc_pos": "Proof-of-Stake",
"tooltip_tc_stealthsend": "Stealth Send",
"tooltip_tc_stealthreceive": "Stealth Receive",
"tooltip_tc_pot": "Proof-of-Transaction",
"tooltip_qr_alwaysverify": "Always scan-and-verify any QR code before making a payment !",
"tooltip_toseelarger": "Click to see larger size",
"tooltip_help": "Help Documentation - Let us know topics that should be covered",
"tooltip_searchinfo": "Help Documentation - Using the search bar",
"tooltip_metrics_idle": "idle more than a year",
"tooltip_metrics_active": "had activity in last 30 days",
"tooltip_csv_exists": "coin specific data exists in transaction. click on txid for details",
"rl_charts": "Charts",
"rl_atblock": "at block",
"metrics_folio_folio": "folio",
"metrics_folio_seenwith": "Seen with",
"metrics_folio_other": "other",
"metrics_folio_others": "others",
"metrics_folio_foliovalue": "folio value",
"metrics_folio_is": "is",
"metrics_folio_somany": "Such seen with! So many!",
"metrics_folio_makingbalance": "making a folio balance of",
"metrics_folio_ofsupply": "of supply",
"metrics_folio_toview": "To view with all 'Seen with' addresses displayed,",
"metrics_folio_gohere": "go here",
"metrics_folio_updatedto": "Folios updated to",
"metrics_folio_allzero": "all with zero balance",
"metrics_folio_partof": "part of",
"metrics_dailytx": "Daily Transactions",
"metrics_dailytx_sendtx": "Send TXs",
"metrics_dailytx_powtx": "PoW TXs",
"metrics_dailytx_postx": "PoS TXs",
"metrics_dailyvol": "Daily Volume",
"metrics_dailyvol_sendvol": "Send Vol",
"metrics_dailyvol_powvol": "PoW Vol",
"metrics_dailyvol_posvol": "PoS Vol",
"metrics_supply": "Supply",
"metrics_supply_total": "Total Supply",
"metrics_supply_pow": " From PoW",
"metrics_supply_pos": "From PoS",
"metrics_posdiffs": "Proof-of-Stake Difficulty",
"metrics_posdiffs_highs": "Diff Highs",
"metrics_posdiffs_lows": "Diff Lows",
"metrics_powdiffs": "Proof-of-Work Difficulty",
"metrics_powdiffs_highs": "Diff Highs",
"metrics_powdiffs_lows": "Diff Lows",
"metrics_utxo": "Unspent Tx Outputs (UTXO) Age",
"metrics_utxo_qty": "Addresses",
"metrics_utxo_val": "Value",
"metrics_utxo_info": "The entire area under the green curve
represents the total coin supply.",
"metrics_clickzoom": "Draw square over area of chart to zoom. Double click chart to restore full view.",
"metrics_hideshow": "Hide or reshow a chart line by selecting the coloured legend below the chart.",
"demomode_statement": "Demo Mode (slow updates, not fully accessible)",
"demomode_statement_tooltip": "What is demo mode?",
"demomode_advertise": "This site is willing to provide full block explorer and coin node service for a monthly fee dependent on blockchain size and number of transactions.",
"explorer_host": "explorer.dognose.net hosting",
"demomode_acceptablecurrency": "Payable in major cryptocurrencies such as LTC, and DOGE. Look for the $ symbol at the bottom of this page.",
"cryptoevents": "The following events have occured since the start of the _TICKER_ blockchain:",
"notifyevents": "Please use the red contact link below to let us know of any exchange, mining pool, or other loss of wallets that may have removed a notable amount of _TICKER_ or other altcoins from circulation.",
"faucet_faucet": "Faucet",
"faucet_allimit": "The faucet limits payouts globally to once every _MINUTES_ minutes.",
"faucet_recipientlimit": "A recipient is allowed one payout every _MINUTES_ minutes, and a maximum of _MAXIMUM_ every _HOURS_ hours.",
"faucet_payoutconstant": "Each payout will be _VALUE1_ _TICKER_ (limited by available funds.)",
"faucet_payoutvariable": "Each payout will be randomly between _VALUE1_ and _VALUE2_ _TICKER_ (limited by available funds.)",
"faucet_skew": "Configured with a bias of _MINSKEW_ minimum payout, _MAXSKEW_ maximum payout, and _RANDOM_ randomized payout.",
"faucet_contribute": "Contribute to the faucet address _ADDRESS_ so others may enjoy the fun.",
"faucet_gobutton": "Request Coins",
"faucet_formprompt": "Enter _TICKER_ address",
"faucet_result_nocoind": "Unable to communicate with faucet coin wallet.",
"faucet_result_calladmin": "Please message administrator.",
"faucet_result_stoken": "Missing, invalid, or expired (after _MAXTIME_ minutes) security token - no payout made.",
"faucet_result_reload": "Back up to faucet entry web page, do a browser page reload, then try again.",
"faucet_result_eligible": "Not eligible for payout at this time:",
"faucet_result_address": "Not a valid _TICKER_ address:",
"faucet_result_dry": "Sorry, the faucet appears to be dry. Please try another day.",
"faucet_result_database": "Unable to write explorer database, no payout can be made.",
"faucet_result_ok": "Payout made to _ADDRESS_ for",
"faucet_result_fail": "Payout not made to",
"faucet_result_globalsoon": "Too soon for anyone worldwide, time left:",
"faucet_result_addrsoon": "Too soon for the same payout address, time left:",
"faucet_result_ipsoon": "Too soon for the same internet address, time left:",
"faucet_result_subnetsoon": "Too soon to the same internet region, time left:",
"faucet_result_dayhits": "Too often in the last 24 hours",
"faucet_msg_funded": "Funded with",
"faucet_msg_nofaucet": "Sorry, no faucet has been enabled for",
"faucet_msg_noaddr": "Sorry, the site enabled the faucet but omitted setting the faucet funds coin address.",
"faucet_tab_header": "Payout History - Last 24 Hours",
"faucet_col_status": "Status",
"faucet_col_date": "Date",
"faucet_col_address": "Address",
"faucet_msg_txnviewable": "latest transaction viewable after explorer has indexed it's block"