Explorer Funding    Sat Jul 27 2024 08:28:40 UTC
Payments may only be made in Bitcoin, or Dogecoin in any amount.
Funding includes a full time coind (wallet node) as well as the explorer.
The payment will be applied proportionately according to the best rate category it qualifies for, using Kraken market data. (Note: a 'month' is calculated as 30.4375 days, 3months is 91.25 days, and 6months is 182.5 days.)
Recent summaries of Kraken market data may be seen for  BTC,  Doge,  and  USDT. Actual rates used will be those in effect at the time a payment is applied.
After making a payment, please send a message to the site administrator to make sure it gets applied.
Record typeDateDays FundedNotesValues
Funding Time LeftSat Jul 27 2024 08:28:40 UTC24.76
Payment Address  litecoin:  MMuvq37k4KUHnWRhwF9ZZdeGKwMUkYhDgm 
Payment Address  dogecoin:  DTRSgCYmt3ayyghTtg4ktjYV6FdPU4UKhG 
PaymentMon Nov 13 2023 23:52:25 UTC65.319
Thu Jan 18 2024 07:31:46 UTC
ended 191.04 days ago
10euro0.14967819 litecoin
us$10.726 value,
credited as us$10.73
Administrative FundingTue Nov 14 2023 24:00:16 UTC5
Tue Jan 23 2024 07:31:46 UTC
ended 186.04 days ago
free bonus 
Billing RateSun Dec 10 2023 09:56:12 UTC first rate change in about 18 months.
the blockchain has grown since then.
and so have server costs
daily:   n/a
weekly:   us$3.00
monthly:   us$9.50
3month:   us$26.00
6month:   n/a
Faucet Activation
Billing Rate
Mon Dec 11 2023 24:36:16 UTC Fee to provide integrated faucet support. Actual faucet funds must still be provided.daily:   n/a
weekly:   us$1.25
monthly:   us$4.00
3month:   us$11.00
6month:   n/a
Extra Language
Billing Rate
Mon Dec 11 2023 24:36:53 UTC Fee to add additional language support
(one is default, usually English but not necessarily).
Choose between English, Italian, and Noodly-Pirate-Speak.
Example of Noodly-Pirate-Speak is the NDL explorer at
Let us know if you would like to help build support for a new language.
daily:   n/a
weekly:   us$0.50
monthly:   us$1.50
3month:   us$4.00
6month:   n/a
Administrative FundingMon Dec 18 2023 02:18:25 UTC1
Wed Jan 24 2024 07:31:46 UTC
ended 185.04 days ago
compensation for 2-hour server downtime to increase hardrive and ram memory capacity 
Market DataThu Feb 22 2024 02:50:51 UTC kraken1 USD = 1.00007000 USDT
1 USD = 0.00001945 BTC
1 USD = 0.01464343 LTC
1 USD = 11.95923337 DOGE
1 USD = 1.34768000 CAD
PaymentWed Feb 28 2024 02:45:10 UTC149
Fri Jul 26 2024 02:45:10 UTC
ended 1.24 days ago
Payment for standard explorer funding506 dogecoin
us$42.3104 value,
credited as us$42.32
Administrative FundingWed Feb 28 2024 02:46:48 UTC14
Fri Aug 09 2024 02:45:10 UTC
ends in 12.76 days
Payment Address  bitcoin:  3AgAc4brpamo3uiFPM9b9nEmpj4pKnzfka 
Administrative FundingSun Apr 21 2024 14:06:23 UTC7
Fri Aug 16 2024 02:45:10 UTC
ends in 2.82 weeks
indexing updates had stalled for a few days 
Administrative FundingWed May 29 2024 01:19:07 UTC5
Wed Aug 21 2024 02:45:10 UTC
ends in 3.54 weeks
2 days lost due to failed DNS update