Modalità demo:  Questo sito è disposto a fornire un servizio completo di esplorazione e nodo di monete per una tariffa mensile dipendente dalle dimensioni della blockchain e dal numero di transazioni.
Pagabile nelle principali criptovalute come LTC ed DOGE.
Explorer Funding    ven 27/12/2024 04:35:06 UTC
Payments may only be made in Bitcoin, or Dogecoin in any amount.
Funding includes a full time coind (wallet node) as well as the explorer.
The payment will be applied proportionately according to the best rate category it qualifies for, using Kraken market data. (Note: a 'month' is calculated as 30.4375 days, 3months is 91.25 days, and 6months is 182.5 days.)
Recent summaries of Kraken market data may be seen for  BTC,  Doge,  and  USDT. Actual rates used will be those in effect at the time a payment is applied.
After making a payment, please send a message to the site administrator to make sure it gets applied.
Record typeDateDays FundedNotesValues
Funding Time Leftven 27/12/2024 04:35:06 UTC-20084.19 (expired)
Payment Address  bitcoin:  378FcGLHpLDB3vd8mXDCb177bS9n1VB97g 
Payment Address  dogecoin:  D8gT95FwNFTASdceGNYASfYmSgZKa5pj4w 
Billing Ratelun 11/12/2023 00:52:28 UTC Standard explorer fundingdaily:   n/a
weekly:   us$3.50
monthly:   us$12.00
3month:   us$32.00
6month:   n/a
Faucet Activation
Billing Rate
lun 11/12/2023 00:52:54 UTC Fee to provide integrated faucet support. Actual faucet funds must still be provided.daily:   n/a
weekly:   us$2.25
monthly:   us$8.00
3month:   us$22.00
6month:   n/a
Extra Language
Billing Rate
lun 11/12/2023 00:53:22 UTC Fee to add additional language support
(one is default, usually English but not necessarily).
Choose between English, Italian, and Noodly-Pirate-Speak.
Example of Noodly-Pirate-Speak is the NDL explorer at
Let us know if you would like to help build support for a new language.
daily:   n/a
weekly:   us$0.25
monthly:   us$1.00
3month:   us$3.00
6month:   n/a